Jeff Dunham Tickets
Pinnacle Bank Arena | Lincoln, Nebraska

If you’re looking for an real opinion on your dating life, your social media obsession, your weird habits or literally anything under the sun, a comedian will tell you exactly how and why you’re doing something wrong. Comedians have a twisted form of honest exaggeration that captures our daily thoughts, and they’ll tell it like it is in a way that paid professional therapists just aren’t allowed to do sometimes. Forget sugarcoating, if you have a problem these comedians will call you out on it, and sometimes that’s just what you need, right?
It's not everyday that Jeff Dunham come rolling into town, on a leg of the 2024 US tour. Absolutely brimming with white hot whit and fresh HILARITY, you always know what you're gonna' get and thats an evening to quite literally spend howling your way off your seat or laughing so much you sound like a seal clapping, yeah it's THAT kinda' funny! It'll be the premier night you have in 2024! Playing at the spectacular Pinnacle Bank Arena of Nebraska, Lincoln this April, right in the centre of town, the ideal starting point to continue any already began shenanigans, OR for a relaxed time to discuss what a wild time you had! Critics have agreed this will be another sell out tour and box office smash hit, so there is no choice but to book right away if you a.) want to see the show and b.) want a decent seat! Click 'get tickets' now to secure yours!